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Craig Walker

My wife Meijean and I were aware of RM for years because we attended many of the post service trip briefings at our church.  We were impressed how much love and hope a small team would bring to visually impaired children in China.  During one briefing we decided to inquire about having our family support a summer service trip .....


Wendy Qi

和許多家庭一樣,2020 年對我們來說是充滿挑戰的一年。我丈夫在四月下旬在中國出差時體檢時被診斷出患有腎癌。這對我們來說絕對是一個震驚,因為他一直是一個積極健康的人。在與醫學專家討論後,我們意識到他需要立即手術切除腫瘤....


Lissa Law


Tina Eng

"是什麼給你帶來快樂? 在COVID-19大流行中,是什麼給我帶來了快樂? 除了我的家人和朋友,我想到了中國屬神的孩子、父母和彩虹的同工,我非常懷念他們。 他們給我帶來歡樂。......

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